Advanced (先端技術FPD搭載) タブレット用FPD市場~大手セットブランドのパネル調達動向

Published March 20, 2023
[ご案内] 4/11火 TCC品川で開催!DSCC Japan セミナー 2023年前期版~底を脱し上昇に転じたFPD市場を徹底解説!

コロナ禍からの夜明けと共に、いち早く対面式セミナーを復活 (昨年10月) させたDSCC Japanセミナー、ご来場者様からの大歓迎のお声を受けて、今年から通常体制の年2回・品川会場に戻ります!今回もお客様のビジネス戦略をご支援すべく、1日でFPD産業の必聴ポイントを把握できる最新分析データをご提供!みずほ証券・中根康夫シニアアナリスト⇔当社アジア代表・田村喜男の「言いたい放題」オフレコ対談枠も、本セミナーの名物企画として再演決定!徹底的に「ご来場者様満足」にこだわるDSCC Japanセミナーならではのバリューにご期待ください!


DSCCの Quarterly Advanced IT Display Shipment and Technology Report (一部実データ付きサンプルをお送りします) 最新版によると、Q4'22のAdvanced (先端技術FPD搭載) タブレット用OLED及びMiniLEDの出荷数は前期比10%減、前年比11%減の230万枚で、Q1’21以来の前年比減少となった。この要因として、魅力的な新モデルの不足、COVIDバブルで大幅な需要の先取りが見られたIT市場の低迷、エネルギー価格や食料価格の上昇など高インフレによる消費支出の弱体化、景気後退の懸念などが考えられる。Q1’23はAppleの在庫に関する懸念と新製品の不足により、さらに悪化する可能性がある。SamsungのGalaxy Tab S9シリーズは8月まで発売されない見通しであることから、Q1’23は過去実績に比べてさらに厳しくなるものと見られ、前年比42%減の急落が予測されている。

Advanced Tablet Panel Shipments Fall Y/Y in Q4’22, Larger Decline Expected in Q1’23

※ご参考※ 無料翻訳ツール (DeepL)

As reported in our latest Quarterly Advanced IT Display Shipment and Technology Report (一部実データ付きサンプルをお送りします), OLED and MiniLED tablet panel shipments fell 10% Q/Q and 11% Y/Y in Q4’22 to 2.3M units. It was the first Y/Y decline since Q1’21. The decline can be attributed to lack of compelling new models, the weak IT market resulting from the COVID bubble where significant forward demand was pulled in, high inflation such as higher energy and food prices weakening consumer spending and recessionary concerns. Q1’23 looks even worse likely due to some inventory concerns at Apple and again a lack of new products. Samsung’s Galaxy Tab S9 series isn’t expected to launch till August, so Q1’23 will have a more challenging comparable. A steeper 42% Y/Y decline is expected in Q1’23.

Advanced Tablet Panel Shipments

Source: DSCC's Quarterly Advanced IT Display Shipment and Technology Report

2022 Advanced Tablet Panel Shipments were up 35% Y/Y to 9.1M, 1% below expectations. In 2023, growth is expected to slow to 3% to 9.3M units on a lack of new products with Apple not expected to launch a new MiniLED iPad Pro in late 2023 given the early 2024 introduction of OLED iPad Pro’s. Samsung’s 18-month cycle also translates to a later introduction of its Galaxy Tab S9 series, which impacts the 2023 outlook.

By brand, Apple’s share of Advanced Tablet panel procurement remained dominant at 66% in Q4’22, down from 72% in Q3’22. It is expected to fall further to 43% in Q1’23, on a 63% Q/Q and 51% Y/Y decline due to slower demand from seasonal weakness and slower sell-through. The M2 refresh did not offer any changes to the MiniLED display and appears to have a relatively lackluster reception by the market. Nonetheless, it is still arguably the best Advanced Tablet on the market and will continue to dominate this segment. Huawei remained #2 in Q4’22 and is expected to maintain that position in Q1’23 and remain aggressively priced while Samsung will start shipping panels in Q2’23 for the Galaxy S9 Series launch.

The report also reveals Apple’s and other brands’ product roadmaps and goes into detail on what is expected. We reported this quarter that Apple is expected to keep its 12.9” MiniLED iPad Pro in its product line longer than previously expected as insurance, in case there are delays in the OLED iPad Pro launches as well as giving it additional leverage in negotiating with its panel suppliers given the expectations of higher OLED panel prices. This has been verified in the MiniLED supply chain as well. DSCC has updated its 11.1” and 12.9” OLED panel price forecasts and adjusted its long-term volume forecasts to reflect the higher OLED prices and the longer life of Apple’s MiniLED product. For more insight on the Advanced Tablet market, which also includes the following items, please contact お問い合わせ窓口.

  • OLED technology advancements for IT panels such as:
    • OCTA
    • Tandem stacks
    • Rigid + TFE substrates
    • Glass thinning
  • MiniLED technology advancements
    • Wider viewing angles in LED chips
    • Optical design trends
    • Panel roadmaps
  • The latest IT LCD and OLED fab schedules
  • MiniLED and OLED panel price forecasts

Quarterly Advanced IT Display Shipment and Technology Report



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Written by

Ross Young