
Published April 11, 2022

仮想現実 (VR) 用FPD出荷が2022年に初めて1000万枚を超える見通しだ。DSCCの AR and VR Display Technology and Market Report 最新号によると、今年は合計1580万枚のFPDがVRヘッドセットに採用され、その需要の80%以上がMetaによるものと予測されている。

現在、VRヘッドセットの大半がLCDを採用しているが、他のFPD技術も間もなく登場するだろう。SonyのPlayStation VR2発売でAMOLEDが復活する。PSVR2に採用されるAMOLEDのピクセル密度は800 PPIをはるかに上回るものと予想されるが、これは量産AMOLEDとしては過去最高の水準だ。コントラスト比が高く、視認できるスクリーンドア現象 (画面上の網目模様) がないことから、PSVR2はゲーマーの間でヒットが期待される。

ピクセル密度615 PPIのAMOLEDが現世代の高解像度LCDに対抗できなかったため、AMOLEDは過去2年間でVRヘッドセット分野からほぼ姿を消していた。Samsung Displayがかつて800PPIに実験的に取り組んでいたが、量産コストを妥当なものにできるのはSonyからの大量注文しかなかっただろう。

OLED on Silicon (SiOLED) も市場シェアを今後獲得しそうなFPDである。Appleは同社初のAR/VRヘッドセットの発売を延期しているが、SiOLEDを採用するものと見られる。中国の新興企業Arparaもこの技術を採用している。ヘッドセットを消費者にとって手頃な価格にするためのコスト削減が課題だ。

VR Panel Shipments to Reach 15.8M Units in 2022

Shipments of display panels for virtual reality (VR) will reach double-digits for the first time in 2022, according DSCC’s latest AR and VR Display Technologies and Market Report . A total of 15.8M panels will find their way into VR headsets this year, with over 80% of the demand expected to come from Meta.

While most of today’s VR headsets currently use LCD panels, other display technologies will soon appear. AMOLED will be back, thanks to the launch of Sony’s PlayStation VR2. We expect these AMOLED panels to have a pixel density well above 800 PPI, which is a record high for mass-produced AMOLED. With high contrast displays and no visible screen door effect, the PSVR2 is likely to be a hit among gamers.

AMOLED had all but disappeared from VR headsets in the past two years as its 615 PPI pixel density could not compete against the current generation of high-resolution LCD panels. Samsung Display had previously demonstrated 800 PPI but only a large order from Sony could have justified the cost of bringing this technology to mass production.

OLED on Silicon (SiOLED) is another type of display that will gain market share. Apple has delayed the launch of its first AR/VR headset but is still expected to use SiOLED. Chinese startup Arpara has also adopted this technology. The challenge will be to bring the cost down to make the headsets more affordable to consumers.

Source: DSCC AR and VR Display Technologies and Market Report

Aside from the diversification in display technologies in VR, there will also be a shift from single panel to dual panels. DSCC previously forecasted this transition to happen after 2024 but now expects it sooner. While shipments of VR headsets will grow at a CAGR of 34%, panel shipments will increase at a CAGR of 50%.

Considering the expected growth in shipments this year, DSCC has also upgraded its long-term outlook. According to the report, annual revenues for AR/VR displays will reach $9.3B in 2027. VR and passthrough AR will remain the biggest segment.

The SID/DSCC Business Conference will include an Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) session for a second consecutive year. It will take place on-site at the San Jose Convention Center on May 9th. Attendees can choose to attend in person or virtually. The 2022 conference will consist of both on-site and recorded talks, with a second day’s worth of virtual talks available on demand after the event. The agenda for the conference, including a list of confirmed speakers can be found on the DSCC event website.

Source: DSCC AR and VR Display Technologies and Market Report

AR and VR Display Technology and Market Report



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Written by

Dr. Guillaume Chansin
