発売間近のiPhone 14シリーズ、SDCがシェア80%以上でFPD出荷を独占

Published August 29, 2022


以下の画像はAppleが9月7日に開催するイベント「Far Out」の案内状だが、このイベントで発表される予定のiPhone 14については、6月にFPD出荷が始まっている。グラフが示すように、出荷枚数は6月の180万から7月には535万に跳ね上がり、8月には1000万を超えており、9月には1650万を超えると予測されている。累積出荷枚数は3400万枚以上となる。

SDC Dominating iPhone 14 Series Launch with >80% Share

DSCC is now tracking all flexible OLED panel shipments by brand, model and panel supplier on a monthly basis.

For the iPhone 14, which will be launched at the “Far Out” launch event on September 7th with the invite shown below, panel shipments started in June. As indicated, shipments jumped from 1.8M in June to 5.35M in July, over 10M in August and are expected to be over 16.5M in September. Cumulative panel shipments are over 34M.

iPhone 14 Series Panel Shipments by Month by Model

Over the first four months, our latest data now shows the iPhone 14 with the highest share of shipments with a 29% share followed by the iPhone 14 Pro Max at 27% and the iPhone 14 Pro at 26% followed by the iPhone 14 Max with a 19% share. The Pro Max share is lower than previously projected as LGD is not yet qualified to ship LTPO Pro Max production models to Apple. On a panel production basis, which we also track, the iPhone 14 Max’s share rises to 21% over this period due to the amount of volume being produced in September. The iPhone 14 Max was way behind after August but is finally catching up in September with the second highest volume on both a production and shipment basis.

iPhone 14 Series Panel Shipments by Model (June to September)

By panel supplier, SDC has a remarkable 82% of projected June to September volumes. Last year, SDC had an 83% share of June to September volumes, so they barely lost any ground despite BOE’s and LGD’s efforts. LGD has reportedly been constrained so far this year as we hear it has not yet been qualified to ship iPhone 14 Pro Max panels to Apple through August due to some technical challenges. The iPhone 14 Pro Max represents the first LTPO smartphone panels that LGD will ship to Apple. We hear LGD’s next chance for qualification on the iPhone 14 Pro Max will come in the 2H of September. BOE was delayed in its iPhone 14 shipments as has been widely publicized due to changing a mask on the iPhone 13, but is now ramping quickly after not shipping until August. BOE’s and LGD’s challenges have been good for SDC over this period, earning more volume than originally anticipated. However, due to a substantial price difference between BOE and LGD/SDC on the iPhone 14, it looks like BOE’s volumes on the base iPhone 14 model should be more than double the most recent expectations and their share is now higher than most recently predicted.

iPhone 14 Series Panel Shipment Share by Supplier (June to September)

For more information on receiving monthly flexible and foldable panel shipments by brand, model and supplier, contact info@displaysupplychain.co.jp.

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Written by

Ross Young
